
Variety recently announced that Fuji will stop making motion picture film stock in the upcoming year. It was just a year ago, that Fuji announced their entry into the cosmetics business, so I felt this was only a matter of time.

After this was announced I went and watched a true IMAX screening of The Dark Knight Rises. It (65mm) looked amazing and I did tear up to think that I could possibly be watching one of the last films I'll see projected.

Even the highly praised and paraded 65mm poster-child film Samsara, (the follow up to Baraka), was not shown in it's original 70mm format.  I attended opening night in Los Angeles, which was followed by a QnA with the director/cinematographer, producer and composer, only to find the screening of the 70mm film was actually a 4k projection. Now if you know anything about film... 4k is a fair projection of 35mm film... not 70mm! The last time I had seen Baraka, was another instance where there was a QnA with the director/cinematographer and producer... however that time was an inter-positive print in 70mm. I could tell and it was the most beautiful presentation of an image I have ever seen.

This long winded side-tracked story is basically for the point of saying film is beautiful and 4k can't replace 65mm. It just can't.

Fuck you Fuji.

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